Tuberous Breast Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is tuberous breast deformity?

The tuberous or tubular breast deformity refers to a congenital condition in which the breast fails to develop fully. The ideal breast is round with breast tissue spread out across the chest. In a tuberous deformity, the volume of breast tissue may be normal or deficient, but it is concentrated directly below the nipple, and the lower pole of the breast has failed to fully develop. As a result, the breast may appear long and narrow.

2. How can I tell if I have tuberous breast deformity?

Your breast may appear to have an unusual shape, with a narrow base. Your breasts may droop, and you may have very enlarged nipple-areolar complexes. In most cases, patients diagnose themselves with tuberous breasts only after doing their own online research and seeing photos of other patients with the same anatomy.

3. What type of anesthesia is used for tuberous breast surgery?

General anesthesia is required. This protects the patient’s airway while assuring that she is completely comfortable during surgery.

4. Can tuberous breast surgery and breast augmentation procedures be performed on the same surgery?

Yes, and in fact most tuberous patients require an implant to be placed to fill out the lower pole of their breasts.

5. Can tuberous breast surgery with implants provide symmetrical results?

The vast majority of tuberous breast patients are asymmetric. The use of implants generally helps to improve symmetry, but the patient’s breasts are unlikely to ever be perfectly symmetric.

6. Can tuberous breasts be corrected without the use of implants?

In selected patients with a mild grade of tuberous breast deformity, the breasts can be lifted and fat can be injected into the lower poles of the breasts, avoiding the use of implants.

7. Will I have visible scars from Tuberous Breast Surgery?

Yes, any surgical procedure will leave a scar. The scars will fade with time, but will never completely disappear. Scarring varies considerably from patient to patient, but can be addressed with the use of topical scar creams.

8. What is the recovery process?

Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. Light dressings will be placed immediately following surgery, and the patient may shower that day or the next day. Most patients note mild to moderate discomfort during the initial 48 hours, depending upon how extensive their surgical procedure was. Patients are seen in the office 3-5 days after surgery.

9. Is it possible to breast feed after tuberous breast surgery?

Most patients with tuberous breasts are unable to breastfeed secondary to the lack of growth of part of the breast. Surgery itself does not appear to worsen the patient’s ability to breastfeed.

10. Should I wait until after pregnancy to have tuberous breast surgery?

If you are currently pregnant or trying to become pregnant, then you should hold on your surgery until at least 6 months after you have delivered and stopped breastfeeding. Otherwise, there is no contraindication to surgery prior to having children.

11. How long after the surgery can I go back to my regular exercise routine?

Patients should wait until 2 weeks after surgery prior to resuming strenuous activity. Walking and light activity are permitted the day following surgery.


Video: Dr. Naidu Talks About Tuberous Breast Deformity

Video: Tuberous Breast Deformity – Grolleau I

Our office is conveniently located at 1021 Park Avenue in NYC. If you’d like to learn more about tuberous breast surgery – and whether it is right for you – please call our office at 212-452-1230 and schedule an appointment.

Tuberous Breast Surgery Before & After Photos

Tuberous Breast Surgery Before & After Photo - Nina S. Naidu, MD FACS

Tuberous Breast Surgery Before & After Photo – Nina S. Naidu, MD FACS